É o que parece ter acontecido a Meg Ryan, Eddy Murphy e Jim Carey. Estes três actores atingiram o sucesso e fizeram carreira com um determinado tipo de papel, e em praticamente duas décadas de carreira, não variaram.
Meg Ryan, a eterna menina das comédias românticas, ficou presa à imagem até pelo estilo de penteado e a maquilhagem em volta dos olhos.
O mesmo se pode dizer da carreira de Nicole Kidman, quejá foi morena em “As Horas” e fantasma em “Os outros”.
E é por isso que é lamentável que os três mencionados em cima tenham ficado por um tipo. Agora tentam ser aceites em papéis diferentes. Meg foi ás cordas de boxe, Eddy andou a cantar em DreamGirls e Jim foi severamente criticado pela sua interpretação em A Vida de Truman, onde gostei de o ver. Veja você também:
That’s what seems to have happened to Meg Ryan, Eddy Murphy e Jim Carey. These three actors achieve success and made their career out of one type character and never diversify in almost two decades of movie business.
Meg Ryan the eternal romantic comedy actress, stayed stuck to her image to the point of not being able to change her appearance too much. She stayed trapped in the same hair style and eye make up.
Eddy Murphy reached his fame tanks to his funny looks, his talking fast and of course, his famous laughter.
Jim Carey became a star manly due to his over-acting abilities, his exaggerated gestures and expressions and ability to talk no-sense.
All of them are near their 50´s now. With their youth and beauty over the fence seemed to come the end of success movies. Not even for a second I doubt this people skills and talents but the truth is they brought it to themselves. By not diversifying their talents, they accustomed a certain type of audience to like them only in one type character.
That mistake was not made by Júlia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Matl Demon, Brad Pitt and Robin Williams.
Julia went from a romantic Pretty Woman prostitute to the Pelican Brief investigator, passing on a Conspiracy Theory and becoming Miss Erin Brocknovich. Soon she will be appearing with Tom Hanks in an interesting movie about a peculiar senator.
The same can be said about Nicole Kidman professional resumée. She was a brunet for The Hours and a ghost from another century in The Others.
Matt Damon was able to run away from stereotype roles, not following his Ben Affleck friend steps. He went by Oceans 13, 13, Syriana and is now in an Bourne trilogy. No one had much faith in him has an action actor but he came and prove talent can do anything. Thankfully, I must say, because I’m so tired of the action-type stereotype!
Brad Pitt: if he stayed on romantic roles, today he would be erased also. But he was death in Meet Joe Black, a vampire in The Interview, he went Seven Years on Tibete and had Se7en sins and a Fight Club. Well, another vast résumé.
And Robin Williams, the king of comedy! If he had stay only in that type role, he wouldn’t had seen the World According to Garp, or had form The Dead Poets Society or given the Good Morning Vietnam line!
And this is why is so sad the three first mentioned never diversified there body work. Meg went Against the Ropes, but was a flop. Eddy went on singing in Dream Girls and I presume did his part well and Jim was severely criticised by his role in Truman’s Show, that I enjoyed and welcomed. See it your self: